Category Archives: Famous last words

That’s all folks!


The well is officially dry. I’ve reviewed every slasher film, documentary, and TV series I’ve ever seen, all 778 titles (plus 3 random other reviews).


So in terms of my updates every five days, we’ve reached the end of the line, although I’ll stick up reviews of anything relevant I see. A friend of mine is actually in a new film due out in March.

What’s changed? Time, I guess. A few years ago I decided to stop seeking out the lowest end, shot-on-a-phone, potato-quality films because they just weren’t ever enjoyable, despite the best intentions of those who made them.

I’ve ranked, rated, listed, and loved every aspect of the genre I can think to rank, rate, list and love, from final girl countdowns, Stock Background Characters 101, VIP’s of Slasherdom, and that controversial Top 100 – if I knew where to go next with it, believe me I would, but repeating myself ad nauseum has a shelf life.

All that’s left to say until such a time that an awesome new film comes along, is thanks for a great 12 years, everybody who’s commented, argued with me over a rating, suggested new films to watch, and that person who called me an ‘ignorant rookie’ who ‘didn’t know what they were talking about’ that time.

Special shout-outs to Grace, Jake, Justin, Kaijinu, Lord Crayak, Meat-free Myers, Paul, Phil M, Ross H, Ross T, SlasherTrash, Stacie Ponder, and Moto – who has been dragged around more secondhand video stores than anybody could take.

Love you all.

Hud x